tokenize package

This module focuses on the tokenization of both Kurmanji and Sorani dialects of Kurdish with the following functions:

  • word_tokenize: tokenization of texts into tokens (both multi-word expressions and single-word tokens).
  • mwe_tokenize: tokenization of texts by only taking compound forms into account
  • sent_tokenize: tokenization of texts into sentences

The module is based on the Kurdish tokenization project.


>>> from klpt.tokenize import Tokenize

>>> tokenizer = Tokenize("Kurmanji", "Latin")
>>> tokenizer.word_tokenize("ji bo fortê xwe avêtin")
['▁ji▁', 'bo', '▁▁fortê‒xwe‒avêtin▁▁']
>>> tokenizer.mwe_tokenize("bi serokê hukûmeta herêma Kurdistanê Prof. Salih re saz kir.")
'bi serokê hukûmeta herêma Kurdistanê Prof . Salih re saz kir .'

>>> tokenizer_ckb = Tokenize("Sorani", "Arabic")
>>> tokenizer_ckb.word_tokenize("بە هەموو هەمووانەوە ڕێک کەوتن")
['▁بە▁', '▁هەموو▁', 'هەمووانەوە', '▁▁ڕێک‒کەوتن▁▁']

mwe_tokenize(self, sentence, separator='▁▁', in_separator='‒', punct_marked=False, keep_form=False)

Multi-word expression tokenization


Name Type Description Default
sentence str

sentence to be split by multi-word expressions

separator str

a specific token to specify a multi-word expression. By default two ▁ (▁▁) are used for this purpose.

in_separator str

a specific token to specify the composing parts of a multi-word expression. By default a dash - is used for this purpose.

keep_form boolean

if set to True, the original form of the multi-word expression is returned the same way provided in the input. On the other hand, if set to False, the lemma form is used where the parts are delimited by a dash ‒, as in "dab‒û‒nerît"



Type Description

sentence containing d multi-word expressions using the separator

Source code in klpt/
def mwe_tokenize(self, sentence, separator="▁▁", in_separator="‒", punct_marked=False, keep_form=False):
    Multi-word expression tokenization

        sentence (str): sentence to be split by multi-word expressions
        separator (str): a specific token to specify a multi-word expression. By default two ▁ (▁▁) are used for this purpose.
        in_separator (str): a specific token to specify the composing parts of a multi-word expression. By default a dash - is used for this purpose.
        keep_form (boolean): if set to True, the original form of the multi-word expression is returned the same way provided in the input. On the other hand, if set to False, the lemma form is used where the parts are delimited by a dash ‒, as in "dab‒û‒nerît"

        str: sentence containing d multi-word expressions using the separator

    sentence = " " + sentence + " "

    if not punct_marked:
        # find punctuation marks and add a space around
        for punct in self.tokenize_map["word_tokenize"][self.dialect][self.script]["punctuation"]:
            if punct in sentence:
                sentence = sentence.replace(punct, " " + punct + " ")

    # look for compound words and delimit them by double separator
    for compound_lemma in self.mwe_lexicon:
        compound_lemma_context = " " + compound_lemma + " "
        if compound_lemma_context in sentence:
            if keep_form:
                sentence = sentence.replace(compound_lemma_context, " ▁▁" + compound_lemma + "▁▁ ")
                sentence = sentence.replace(compound_lemma_context, " ▁▁" + compound_lemma.replace("-", in_separator) + "▁▁ ")                    

        # check the possible word forms available for each compound lemma in the lex files, too
        # Note: compound forms don't have any hyphen or separator in the lex files
        for compound_form in self.mwe_lexicon[compound_lemma]["token_forms"]:
            compound_form_context = " " + compound_form + " "
            if compound_form_context in sentence:
                if keep_form:
                    sentence = sentence.replace(compound_form_context, " ▁▁" + compound_form + "▁▁ ")
                    sentence = sentence.replace(compound_form_context, " ▁▁" + compound_lemma.replace("-", in_separator) + "▁▁ ")

    # print(sentence)
    return sentence.replace("  ", " ").replace("▁▁", separator).strip()

sent_tokenize(self, text)

Sentence tokenizer


Name Type Description Default
text [str]

[input text to be tokenized by sentences]



Type Description

[a list of sentences]

Source code in klpt/
def sent_tokenize(self, text):
    """Sentence tokenizer

        text ([str]): [input text to be tokenized by sentences]

        [list]: [a list of sentences]

    text = " " + text + "  "
    text = text.replace("\n", " ")
    text = re.sub(self.prefixes, "\\1<prd>", text)
    text = re.sub(self.websites, "<prd>\\1", text)
    text = re.sub("\s" + self.alphabets + "[.] ", " \\1<prd> ", text)
    text = re.sub(self.acronyms + " " + self.starters, "\\1<stop> \\2", text)
    text = re.sub(self.alphabets + "[.]" + self.alphabets + "[.]" + self.alphabets + "[.]", "\\1<prd>\\2<prd>\\3<prd>", text)
    text = re.sub(self.alphabets + "[.]" + self.alphabets + "[.]", "\\1<prd>\\2<prd>", text)
    text = re.sub(" " + self.suffixes + "[.] " + self.starters, " \\1<stop> \\2", text)
    text = re.sub(" " + self.suffixes + "[.]", " \\1<prd>", text)
    text = re.sub(self.digits + "[.]" + self.digits, "\\1<prd>\\2", text)

    # for punct in self.tokenize_map[self.dialect][self.script]["compound_puncts"]:
    #     if punct in text:
    #         text = text.replace("." + punct, punct + ".")

    for punct in self.tokenize_map["sent_tokenize"][self.dialect][self.script]["punct_boundary"]:
        text = text.replace(punct, punct + "<stop>")

    text = text.replace("<prd>", ".")
    sentences = text.split("<stop>")
    sentences = [s.strip() for s in sentences if len(s.strip())]

    return sentences

word_tokenize(self, sentence, separator='▁', mwe_separator='▁▁', keep_form=False)

Word tokenizer


Name Type Description Default
sentence str

sentence or text to be tokenized



Type Description

[a list of words]

Source code in klpt/
def word_tokenize(self, sentence, separator="▁", mwe_separator="▁▁", keep_form=False):
    """Word tokenizer

        sentence (str): sentence or text to be tokenized

        [list]: [a list of words]

    # find multi-word expressions in the sentence
    sentence = self.mwe_tokenize(sentence, keep_form=keep_form)

    # find punctuation marks and add a space around
    for punct in self.tokenize_map["word_tokenize"][self.dialect][self.script]["punctuation"]:
        if punct in sentence:
            sentence = sentence.replace(punct, " " + punct + " ")

    # print(sentence)
    tokens = list()
    # split the sentence by space and look for identifiable tokens
    for word in sentence.strip().split():
        if "▁▁" in word:
            # the word is previously detected as a compound word
            if word in self.lexicon:
                # check if the word exists in the lexicon
                tokens.append("▁" + word + "▁")
                # the word is neither a lemma nor a compound
                # morphological analysis by identifying affixes and clitics
                token_identified = False

                for preposition in self.morphemes["prefixes"]:
                    if word.startswith(preposition) and len(word.split(preposition, 1)) > 1:
                        if word.split(preposition, 1)[1] in self.lexicon:
                            word = "▁".join(["", self.morphemes["prefixes"][preposition], word.split(preposition, 1)[1], ""])
                            token_identified = True
                        elif self.mwe_tokenize(word.split(preposition, 1)[1], keep_form=keep_form) != word.split(preposition, 1)[1]:
                            word = "▁" + self.morphemes["prefixes"][preposition] + self.mwe_tokenize(word.split(preposition, 1)[1], keep_form=keep_form)
                            token_identified = True

                if not token_identified:
                    for postposition in self.morphemes["suffixes"]:
                        if word.endswith(postposition) and len(word.rpartition(postposition)[0]):
                            if word.rpartition(postposition)[0] in self.lexicon:
                                word = "▁" + word.rpartition(postposition)[0] + "▁" + self.morphemes["suffixes"][postposition]
                            elif self.mwe_tokenize(word.rpartition(postposition)[0], keep_form=keep_form) != word.rpartition(postposition)[0]:
                                word = ("▁" + self.mwe_tokenize(word.rpartition(postposition)[0], keep_form=keep_form) + "▁" + self.morphemes["suffixes"][postposition] + "▁").replace("▁▁▁", "▁▁")

    # print(tokens)
    return " ".join(tokens).replace("▁▁", mwe_separator).replace("▁", separator).split()