transliterate package

This module aims at transliterating one script of Kurdish into another one. Currently, only the Latin-based and the Arabic-based scripts of Sorani and Kurmanji are supported. The main function in this module is transliterate() which also takes care of detecting the correct form of double-usage graphemes, namely و ↔ w/u and ی ↔ î/y. In some specific occasions, it can also predict the placement of the missing i (also known as Bizroke/بزرۆکە).

The module is based on the Kurdish transliteration project.


>>> from klpt.transliterate import Transliterate
>>> transliterate = Transliterate("Kurmanji", "Latin", target_script="Arabic")
>>> transliterate.transliterate("rojhilata navîn")
'رۆژهلاتا ناڤین'

>>> transliterate_ckb = Transliterate("Sorani", "Arabic", target_script="Latin")
>>> transliterate_ckb.transliterate("لە وڵاتەکانی دیکەدا")
'le wiłatekanî dîkeda'

__init__(self, dialect, script, target_script, unknown='�', numeral='Latin') special

Initializing using a Configuration object

To do: - "لە ئیسپانیا ژنان لە دژی ‘patriarkavirus’ ڕێپێوانیان کرد": "le îspanya jinan le dijî ‘patriarkavirus’ řêpêwanyan kird" - "egerçî damezrandnî rêkxrawe kurdîyekan her rêpênedraw mabûnewe Inzîbat.": "ئەگەرچی دامەزراندنی ڕێکخراوە کوردییەکان هەر رێپێنەدراو مابوونەوە ئنزیبات.",


Name Type Description Default
mode [type]


unknown str

[description]. Defaults to "�".

numeral str

[description]. Defaults to "Latin". Modifiable only if the source script is in Arabic. Otherwise, the Default value will be Latin.



Type Description




Source code in klpt/
def __init__(self, dialect, script, target_script, unknown="�", numeral="Latin"):
    """Initializing using a Configuration object

    To do:
        - "لە ئیسپانیا ژنان لە دژی ‘patriarkavirus’ ڕێپێوانیان کرد": "le îspanya jinan le dijî ‘patriarkavirus’ řêpêwanyan kird"
        - "egerçî damezrandnî rêkxrawe kurdîyekan her rêpênedraw mabûnewe Inzîbat.": "ئەگەرچی دامەزراندنی ڕێکخراوە کوردییەکان هەر رێپێنەدراو مابوونەوە ئنزیبات.",

        mode ([type]): [description]
        unknown (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "�".
        numeral (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "Latin". Modifiable only if the source script is in Arabic. Otherwise, the Default value will be Latin.

        ValueError: [description]
        ValueError: [description]

    # with open("data/default-options.json") as f:
    #     options = json.load(f)

    self.UNKNOWN = "�"
    with open(klpt.get_data("data/wergor.json"), encoding = "utf-8") as f:
        self.wergor_configurations = json.load(f)

    with open(klpt.get_data("data/preprocess_map.json"), encoding = "utf-8") as f:
        self.preprocess_map = json.load(f)["normalizer"]

    configuration = Configuration({"dialect": dialect, "script": script, "numeral": numeral, "target_script": target_script, "unknown": unknown})
    # self.preprocess_map = object.preprocess_map["normalizer"]
    self.dialect = configuration.dialect
    self.script = configuration.script
    self.numeral = configuration.numeral
    self.mode = configuration.mode
    self.target_script = configuration.target_script
    self.user_UNKNOWN = configuration.user_UNKNOWN

    # self.mode = mode
    # if mode=="arabic_to_latin":
    #     target_script = "Latin"
    # elif mode=="latin_to_arabic":
    #     target_script = "Arabic"
    # else:
    #     raise ValueError(f'Unknown transliteration option. Available options: {options["transliterator"]}')

    # if len(unknown):
    #     self.user_UNKNOWN = unknown
    # else:
    #     raise ValueError(f'Unknown unknown tag. Select a non-empty token (e.g. <UNK>.')

    self.characters_mapping = self.wergor_configurations["characters_mapping"]
    self.digits_mapping = self.preprocess_map["universal"]["numerals"][self.target_script]
    self.digits_mapping_all = list(set(list(self.preprocess_map["universal"]["numerals"][self.target_script].keys()) + list(self.preprocess_map["universal"]["numerals"][self.target_script].values())))
    self.punctuation_mapping = self.wergor_configurations["punctuation"][self.target_script]
    self.punctuation_mapping_all = list(set(list(self.wergor_configurations["punctuation"][self.target_script].keys()) + 
    # self.tricky_characters = self.wergor_configurations["characters_mapping"]
    self.wy_mappings = self.wergor_configurations["wy_mappings"]

    self.hemze = self.wergor_configurations["hemze"]
    self.bizroke = self.wergor_configurations["bizroke"]
    self.uw_iy_forms = self.wergor_configurations["uw_iy_forms"]
    self.target_char = self.wergor_configurations["target_char"]
    self.arabic_vowels = self.wergor_configurations["arabic_vowels"]
    self.arabic_cons = self.wergor_configurations["arabic_cons"]
    self.latin_vowels = self.wergor_configurations["latin_vowels"]
    self.latin_cons = self.wergor_configurations["latin_cons"]

    self.characters_pack = {"arabic_to_latin": self.characters_mapping.values(), "latin_to_arabic": self.characters_mapping.keys()}
    if self.target_script == "Arabic":
        self.prep = Preprocess("Sorani", "Latin", numeral=self.numeral)
        self.prep = Preprocess("Sorani", "Latin", numeral="Latin")

arabic_to_latin(self, char)

Mapping Arabic-based characters to the Latin-based equivalents

Source code in klpt/
def arabic_to_latin(self, char):
    """Mapping Arabic-based characters to the Latin-based equivalents"""
    if char != "":
        if char in list(self.characters_mapping.values()):
            return list(self.characters_mapping.keys())[list(self.characters_mapping.values()).index(char)]
        elif char in self.punctuation_mapping:
            return self.punctuation_mapping[char]
        elif char in self.punctuation_mapping:
            return self.punctuation_mapping[char]
    return char

bizroke_finder(self, word)

Detection of the "i" character in the Arabic-based script. Incomplete version.

Source code in klpt/
def bizroke_finder(self, word):
    """Detection of the "i" character in the Arabic-based script. Incomplete version."""
    word = list(word)
    if len(word) > 2 and word[0] in self.latin_cons and word[1] in self.latin_cons and word[1] != "w" and word[1] != "y":
        word.insert(1, "i")
    return "".join(word)

latin_to_arabic(self, char)

Mapping Latin-based characters to the Arabic-based equivalents

Source code in klpt/
def latin_to_arabic(self, char):
    """Mapping Latin-based characters to the Arabic-based equivalents"""
    # check if the character is in upper case
    mapped_char = ""

    if char.lower() != "":
        if char.lower() in self.wy_mappings.keys():
            mapped_char = self.wy_mappings[char.lower()]
        elif char.lower() in self.characters_mapping.keys():
            mapped_char = self.characters_mapping[char.lower()]
        elif char.lower() in self.punctuation_mapping:
            mapped_char = self.punctuation_mapping[char.lower()]
        # elif char.lower() in self.digits_mapping.values():
        #     mapped_char = self.digits_mapping.keys()[self.digits_mapping.values().index(char.lower())]

    if len(mapped_char):
        if char.isupper():
            return mapped_char.upper()
        return mapped_char
        return char

preprocessor(self, word)

Preprocessing by normalizing text encoding and removing embedding characters

Source code in klpt/
def preprocessor(self, word):
    """Preprocessing by normalizing text encoding and removing embedding characters"""
    # replace this by the normalization part
    word = list(word.replace('\u202b', "").replace('\u202c', "").replace('\u202a', "").replace(u"وو", "û").replace("\u200c", "").replace("ـ", ""))
    # for char_index in range(len(word)):
    #     if(word[char_index] in self.tricky_characters.keys()):
    #         word[char_index] = self.tricky_characters[word[char_index]]
    return "".join(word)

syllable_detector(self, word)

Detection of the syllable based on the given pattern. May be used for transcription applications.

Source code in klpt/
def syllable_detector(self, word):
    """Detection of the syllable based on the given pattern. May be used for transcription applications."""
    syllable_templates = ["V", "VC", "VCC", "CV", "CVC", "CVCCC"]
    CV_converted_list = ""       
    for char in word:
        if char in self.latin_vowels:
            CV_converted_list += "V"
            CV_converted_list += "C"

    syllables = list()
    for i in range(1, len(CV_converted_list)):
        syllable_templates_permutated = [p for p in itertools.product(syllable_templates, repeat=i)]
        for syl in syllable_templates_permutated:
            if len("".join(syl)) == len(CV_converted_list):
                if CV_converted_list == "".join(syl) and "VV" not in "".join(syl):
    return syllables

to_pieces(self, token)

Given a token, find other segments composed of numbers and punctuation marks not seperated by space ▁

Source code in klpt/
def to_pieces(self, token):
    """Given a token, find other segments composed of numbers and punctuation marks not seperated by space ▁""" 
    tokens_dict = dict()
    flag = False # True if a token is a \w
    i = 0

    for char_index in range(len(token)):
        if token[char_index] in self.digits_mapping_all or token[char_index] in self.punctuation_mapping_all:
            tokens_dict[char_index] = token[char_index]
            flag = False
            i = 0
        elif token[char_index] in self.characters_pack[self.mode] or \
            token[char_index] in self.target_char or \
            token[char_index] == self.hemze or token[char_index].lower() == self.bizroke:
            if flag:
                tokens_dict[char_index-i] = tokens_dict[char_index-i] + token[char_index]
                tokens_dict[char_index] = token[char_index]
            flag = True
            i += 1
            tokens_dict[char_index] = self.UNKNOWN

    return tokens_dict

transliterate(self, text)

The main method of the class:

   - find word boundaries by splitting it using spaces and then retrieve words mixed with other characters (without space)
   - map characters
   - detect double-usage characters w/u and y/î
   - find possible position of Bizroke (to be completed - 2017)

   Notice: text format should not be changed at all (no lower case, no style replacement   ,

etc.). If the source and the target scripts are identical, the input text should be returned without any further processing.

Source code in klpt/
def transliterate(self, text):
    """The main method of the class:

    - find word boundaries by splitting it using spaces and then retrieve words mixed with other characters (without space)
    - map characters
    - detect double-usage characters w/u and y/î
    - find possible position of Bizroke (to be completed - 2017)

    Notice: text format should not be changed at all (no lower case, no style replacement \t, \n etc.).
    If the source and the target scripts are identical, the input text should be returned without any further processing.

    text = self.prep.unify_numerals(text).split("\n")
    transliterated_text = list()

    for line in text:
        transliterated_line = list()
        for token in line.split():
            trans_token = ""
            # try:
            token = self.preprocessor(token) # This is not correct as the capital letter should be kept the way it is given.
            tokens_dict = self.to_pieces(token)
            # Transliterate words
            for token_key in tokens_dict:
                if len(tokens_dict[token_key]):
                    word = tokens_dict[token_key]
                    if self.mode == "arabic_to_latin":
                        # w/y detection based on the priority in "word"
                        for char in word:
                            if char in self.target_char:
                                word = self.uw_iy_Detector(word, char)  
                        if word[0] == self.hemze and word[1] in self.arabic_vowels:
                            word = word[1:]
                        word = list(word)
                        for char_index in range(len(word)):
                            word[char_index] = self.arabic_to_latin(word[char_index])
                        word = "".join(word)
                        word = self.bizroke_finder(word)
                    elif self.mode == "latin_to_arabic":
                        if len(word):
                            word = list(word)
                            for char_index in range(len(word)):
                                word[char_index] = self.latin_to_arabic(word[char_index])
                            if word[0] in self.arabic_vowels or word[0].lower() == self.bizroke:
                                word.insert(0, self.hemze)
                            word = "".join(word).replace("û", "وو").replace(self.bizroke.lower(), "").replace(self.bizroke.upper(), "")
                        # else:
                        #     return self.UNKNOWN

                    trans_token = trans_token + word

        transliterated_text.append(" ".join(transliterated_line).replace(u" w ", u" û "))

    # standardize the output
    # replace UNKOWN by the user's choice
    if self.user_UNKNOWN != self.UNKNOWN:
        return "\n".join(transliterated_text).replace(self.UNKNOWN, self.user_UNKNOWN)
        return "\n".join(transliterated_text)

uw_iy_Detector(self, word, target_char)

Detection of "و" and "ی" in the Arabic-based script

Source code in klpt/
def uw_iy_Detector(self, word, target_char):
    """Detection of "و" and "ی" in the Arabic-based script"""
    word = list(word)
    if target_char == "و":
        dic_index = 1
        dic_index = 0

    if word == target_char:
        word = self.uw_iy_forms["target_char_cons"][dic_index]
        for index in range(len(word)):
            if word[index] == self.hemze and word[index+1] == target_char:
                word[index+1] = self.uw_iy_forms["target_char_vowel"][dic_index]
                index += 1
                if word[index] == target_char:
                    if index == 0:
                        word[index] = self.uw_iy_forms["target_char_cons"][dic_index]
                        if word[index-1] in self.arabic_vowels:
                            word[index] = self.uw_iy_forms["target_char_cons"][dic_index]
                            if index+1 < len(word):
                                if word[index+1] in self.arabic_vowels:
                                    word[index] = self.uw_iy_forms["target_char_cons"][dic_index]
                                    word[index] = self.uw_iy_forms["target_char_vowel"][dic_index]
                                word[index] = self.uw_iy_forms["target_char_vowel"][dic_index]

    word = "".join(word).replace(self.hemze+self.uw_iy_forms["target_char_vowel"][dic_index], self.uw_iy_forms["target_char_vowel"][dic_index])
    return word